Who was Karna ? Surya Putra.

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Karna, one of the most complex and tragic figures in the Mahabharata, remains an enduring symbol of loyalty, bravery, and sacrifice. Born under extraordinary circumstances, his life was marked by both triumph and sorrow. Yet, his story is also a testament to the trials of destiny and the moral dilemmas faced by warriors in ancient Indian epics.


The Birth of Karna.

Karna was the child of Kunti, a pivotal character in the Mahabharata. However, his birth was shrouded in secrecy. When Kunti was a young girl, she had the fortune of serving a revered sage. Pleased with her dedication, the sage granted her a powerful mantra that enabled her to summon any deity of her choice. Unbeknownst to anyone, Kunti decided to test the mantra’s power. She invoked Surya, the Sun God, out of curiosity.

To her astonishment, Surya appeared before her, bound by the divine call. Kunti, overwhelmed and frightened, pleaded for forgiveness, stating that she only wished to see if the mantra worked. However, Surya, being a deity, insisted that since he had been summoned, he must fulfill the purpose of his appearance. As a result, he blessed her with a divine child, Karna. The child was born with golden armor (Kavach) and earrings (Kundal), symbolizing his divine origins and invincibility.

Afraid of societal norms and the stigma of being an unwed mother, Kunti made the heart-wrenching decision to abandon her newborn son. She placed Karna in a basket and set him adrift in the river, hoping that fate would be kinder to him. Karna was eventually found and adopted by Adhiratha, a charioteer, and his wife Radha. Raised in humble circumstances, Karna grew up unaware of his royal lineage, yet his natural abilities hinted at his extraordinary origins.


Karna’s Rise.

Karna’s early life was marked by his struggle to rise above his lowly status. Despite his adoptive family’s modest background, Karna harbored ambitions of becoming a great warrior. However, the rigid caste system of the time posed significant barriers. He was denied education by revered teachers like Drona because of his supposed low birth.

Undeterred, Karna sought out Parashurama, a legendary Brahmin warrior who despised the Kshatriya class. Parashurama, believing Karna to be a Brahmin, accepted him as a disciple and imparted his knowledge of warfare. Under his tutelage, Karna became an unparalleled archer and a formidable warrior. However, his deception was eventually uncovered when Parashurama cursed him, foretelling that he would forget the incantations of divine weapons in his moment of greatest need.

Despite these setbacks, Karna’s prowess did not go unnoticed. He soon caught the attention of Duryodhana, the prince of Hastinapura. Duryodhana, who was impressed by Karna’s skill and saw in him a valuable ally, made Karna the king of Anga, thereby elevating his status. This act of friendship and recognition forged a strong bond between Karna and Duryodhana, making Karna one of the most loyal supporters of the Kauravas.


Why Did Bhishma Hate Karna?

Despite Karna’s undeniable abilities and his loyalty to Duryodhana, he never earned the favor of Bhishma, the grand patriarch of the Kuru dynasty. Bhishma’s animosity towards Karna stemmed from a combination of factors, both personal and ethical.


Karna’s Association with Duryodhana.

Bhishma, despite being a guardian of the Kauravas, never fully endorsed Duryodhana’s actions, especially his unjust treatment of the Pandavas. Karna, being Duryodhana’s closest ally, naturally came under Bhishma’s scrutiny. Bhishma believed that Karna’s association with Duryodhana would only further corrupt him, leading him down a path of adharma (unrighteousness).


Questions of Birth and Legitimacy.

Another significant reason for Bhishma’s disdain was rooted in the uncertainty surrounding Karna’s birth. Bhishma, a staunch follower of dharma and the societal norms of his time, could not reconcile Karna’s unknown lineage with the high status he had attained. To Bhishma, the lack of clarity about Karna’s parentage made him unfit for the honor and respect he commanded, particularly as a warrior and a king.


Karna’s Oath Against Arjuna.

Perhaps the most profound reason for Bhishma’s dislike of Karna was his oath to kill Arjuna, the third Pandava. Bhishma, who loved the Pandavas and had a special affection for Arjuna, could not tolerate Karna’s constant hostility towards them. He saw Karna’s enmity with Arjuna as a direct threat to the unity and dharma of the Kuru dynasty. Bhishma often criticized Karna’s blind loyalty to Duryodhana and his antagonism towards the Pandavas, believing that it clouded his judgment and led him away from the path of righteousness.

Karna’s Tragic End.

Karna’s life was a constant battle between his loyalty to Duryodhana and his innate sense of righteousness. Despite knowing that the Kauravas were on the side of adharma, Karna remained steadfast in his support for Duryodhana, who had stood by him when others had not.

The climax of Karna’s tragedy came on the battlefield of Kurukshetra. True to Parashurama’s curse, Karna forgot the incantations for his divine weapons during his crucial battle with Arjuna. Left defenseless, he was ultimately defeated by Arjuna, fulfilling Bhishma’s prophecy that Karna would meet his end at the hands of the very person he sought to kill.

It was only after his death that the truth of Karna’s birth was revealed, leaving both the Pandavas and Kauravas in shock. The revelation of Karna’s true lineage added another layer of tragedy to his story, as he was ultimately fighting against his own brothers.



Karna’s story is a powerful narrative of fate, free will, and the moral complexities of life. Despite being a son of the Sun God, Karna’s life was marked by struggles and injustices. His unwavering loyalty to Duryodhana, his internal conflicts, and his tragic end make him one of the most compelling characters in the Mahabharata. His life serves as a reminder that greatness often comes with its own burdens, and that the choices we make, even in the face of destiny, define our legacy.


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