Tag: Krishna

Introduction to Susarman: A Lesser-Known Figure in Hindu Mythology

In the rich tapestry of Hindu mythology, there are countless characters and

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18 warriors who survived in mahabharata war. THE EPIC WAR IN WHICH TRUTH AND LIE WAS TOOK PLACE.

The Mahabharata War, also known as the Kurukshetra War, stands as one

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List of Twenty-One Prajapatis According to Hindu Mythology.

In Hindu mythology, the Prajapatis hold a significant place as the forefathers

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SARPA YAGNA : A revenge of a son after his father bitten by a snake.

The Sarpa Yajna, or Snake Sacrifice, is a legendary ritual performed by

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How does Parikshit died ? Due to a bite by the snake Takshaka.

In ancient India, the tale of King Parikshit's death is one filled

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Who were Samsaptakas in Mahabharata? Fierce And Brave Warrior.

The Mahabharata, one of the greatest epics of ancient India, is filled

Ashish Ashish

Damayanti : A Beautiful Princess of the Vidarbha Kingdom.

In the grand tapestry of ancient Indian epics, few stories stand out

Ashish Ashish

Who is Radha’s Sister in Hindu Mythology? | The Untold Story.

Hindu mythology is a treasure trove of fascinating stories, each narrating unique

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Why Did Yudhishthira Abuse Arjuna? Best part in the Mahabharata.

The Mahabharata, one of India's greatest epics, weaves a complex tapestry of

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Is it True Dhrisrathra tried to kill Bhima?

The Mahabharata is a timeless epic filled with deep philosophical lessons, complex

Ashish Ashish